Sheet Pan Roasted Black Sea Bass

This recipe is from Abigail Rose as part of the Massachusetts Seafood Ambassador Program led by Eating with the Ecosystem.

Time: 45—60 minutes
Serves: 4

· 2 whole black sea bass
· 2 tablespoons olive oil or any high heat oil
· garlic, to taste
· salt, to taste
· black pepper, to taste
· 1 sprig fresh rosemary
· 1 sprig fresh thyme
· 1 bunch chives
· 1 lemon, cut in half

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Gut fish, remove fins, and descale. Smother fish with olive oil, and sprinkle with garlic, salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme, and chives. Squeeze half a lemon into each fish cavity.

Roast for 20—30 minutes, until fish is cooked through.

These recipes are brought to you as part of the Massachusetts Seafood Ambassador program led by @eating_with_the_ecosystem. The program is made possible by funding provided by commercial fishermen of MA from permit fees at no additional cost to the fishermen via @massmarinefisheries Seafood Marketing Grant Program.