New England Seafoodies

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New England Seafoodies is a place where local seafood lovers of all levels can come together to learn, share, enjoy, and nerd out about our local seafood and fisheries. Through the New England Seafoodies facebook group and instagram hashtag (#SeafoodiesNE) you will be able to hear from local fishermen about what they are catching, share with your fellow seafood lovers where you have had luck finding these species, share and receive tips and recipes for preparing local seafood, and ask us and each other questions!

We especially encourage sharing your local seafood shopping successes. Sometimes finding a more diverse array of local seafood species can be difficult. Markets mostly carry the more popular species because they know that is what will sell. However if customers can show them that there is demand for a wide variety of local seafood species especially the underrepresented ones, markets will carry more of them. We ask that when you find local seafood in your shopping adventures that you share with the group, so that more customers can go and show support for these markets by purchasing these delicious but underrepresented species.

We also love to see what meals you create! Show off! Share with us a photo of your fish or shellfish and a recipe or technique you used to prepare it. We will applaud your attempt at filleting a fish, droll over your seafood stew, and give you tips for picking a crab.

If you are selling local seafood you may also post to the group opportunities to buy local seafood such as (but not limited to) dockside sales, retail market specials, or delivery options. Please keep all posts New England seafood specific.

To participate, join the New England Seafoodies Facebook group and follow/ use the hashtag #SeafoodiesNE on Instagram.